
Western Australian Water Minister, Mia Davies, has announced that $713million has been committed to Water Corporation projects across Western Australia, as part of the 2015-16 State Budget.

Residents in the Kimberley and Eyre regions (WA) will benefit from a $275million investment in regional water and wastewater projects.

Member for the Mining and Pastoral Region, Dave Grills MLC, welcomed the announcement, saying a number of projects in his electorate would receive funding.

“The State Government is making wise investments in water and wastewater infrastructure that will guarantee the long-term sustainability of our regional communities,” he said.

“This latest wave of investment announced in the 2015-16 State Budget will help to ensure regional communities from Broome to Esperance have access to quality and reliable water and wastewater services.”

In the Kimberley, the State Government will invest $7million to upgrade wastewater infrastructure in Derby.

This will include construction of a new wastewater pump station on Sutherland Street, a 3 kilometre wastewater pressure main and gravity sewer. Work is expected to be completed in early 2016.

Broome residents will also benefit from the latest wave of investment, with work to continue on upgrading the town’s water supplies.

A new water pipeline along Fairway Drive will be constructed, with $460,000 allocated to the project in 2015-16. Work is expected to be completed in July this year.

In Halls Creek, the State Government will invest $2.3million as part of wastewater upgrades. The Halls Creek project will involve construction of 4.1km of wastewater pipeline.

This pipeline is in addition to a recent wastewater pump station upgrade and will cater for anticipated long-term population growth in the town.

In Eyre, the State Government will invest $1.3million in 2015-16 to continue work on installing a new groundwater bore at the Butty Borefield, located about 20km west of Esperance.

Mr Grills said the new bore was expected to increase water supply by almost 10 per cent, or 850,000 litres of water each day, and help improve the quality of the water supply in Esperance.

“The increased capacity of the borefields will help cater for Esperance’s growth over the next five years,” he said.

Esperance residents will also benefit from a $3million investment in the Esperance 15B Infill Sewerage Project. The project will cover 123 residential lots and is part of the State Government’s $50million Infill Sewerage Program.

These projects will improve Water Corporation’s services, and ensure its customers have access to quality and reliable water and wastewater services.

Water Corporation provides water, wastewater and drainage services to more than two million people across the 2.6million square kilometre expanse of Western Australia.

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