
ACTEW Water will soon begin a major water meter replacement program across the ACT that will see more than 18,000 residential water meters replaced by the end of 2017.

The program will focus on replacing all 20mm water meters that are 18 years or older, as well as an upgrade to some service connections. It will also replace the existing isolation tap meter with a new, user-friendly ball valve at the meter.

The replacement program will ensure better accuracy readings from the older meter readings and will enable customers to isolate their own water supply, as well as monitor their usage with much more ease. The new meters will also improve future meter maintenance processes which are carried out by ACTEW Water.

The replacement program will be staged one suburb at a time, with the older suburbs being targeted first – Kaleen being the first suburb listed on the program. Field crews will spend a number of weeks working through each suburb.

Water supply will be interrupted at the customer’s property for a short amount of time while crews complete the meter replacement. If there is nothing obstructing the meter – such as trees or pavement – the replacement should take under an hour with water supply being returned to normal.

There will be no cost to the property owner for the replacement of meters.

Angie Drake said that the proactive replacement program is a way of ensuring that customer water usage is monitored accurately.

“Water meters wear with age and usage, just like any other mechanical device and in some suburbs across Canberra, some meters are well over 20 years old. We are keen to replace these meters for our customers to ensure their water usage is being monitored correctly, as well as making it easier for them to monitor their own usage and turn off their water supply much more easily if they need to do so,” she said.

Ms Drake also asked that customers assist ACTEW Water in the meter replacement by ensuring that their domestic water meter has a one metre clearance from any obstructions, to allow ACTEW Water staff enough room to complete the replacement as quickly as possible.

“Once customers receive their initial letter in the mail notifying them that ACTEW Water will be attending their property soon, they should head out to their water meter to ensure that it is clear from any leaves or shrubs,” she said.

“This will allow us to complete the works much more efficiently,” she concluded.

If water meters are located underneath driveways or concrete footpaths, ACTEW Water has an obligation to restore customer’s land as soon as practicable to a similar condition before operations began.


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