AIRAH has released a draft Design Application document on the selection, application, operation and maintenance of centrifugal pumps for industry and public review.
The Australian Institute of Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Heating (AIRAH) is inviting comments on the technical content, wording and general arrangement of the DA.
According to AIRAH:” The primary purpose of this Application Manual is to standardise and promote best practice design and installation within the HVAC&R industry. The overall objective is to assist industry improve the sustainability of centrifugal pump applications in the HVAC&R and associated industries.
“Pumps and pumping systems are widely used in the Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (HVAC&R) and associated industries. Recent developments in government regulations including the introduction of energy efficiency regulations for building services in the National Construction Code and minimum energy performance standards for motors and are placing new requirements on the industry to provide more efficient pumping systems. A new focus on sustainability, new technologies and new control strategies are all being developed to meet this challenge.
“All of this information needs to be communicated to both practicing professionals and industry trainees. This Manual provides an excellent vehicle for the delivery of this information, not only to system designers, installers and maintainers but also to facility managers and system operators who are so important to achieving and maintaining optimised performance of the building services systems in the current (and future) Australian building stock. New technology, new design practices and a new emphasis on energy efficiency and system optimisation are the primary drivers for this revision.
“This Application Manual provides an overview of the entire centrifugal pump story. The manual begins with first principles and examines some of the fundamentals of centrifugal pumps. It then addresses the issues around implementing centrifugal pumps in systems including, designing and specifying, installing and commissioning continuing through to handover, operation and maintenance.”
If you know of other persons or organisations that may wish to comment on this draft Standard, please advise them of its availability.
Further copies of the draft are available for download from AIRAH
The draft is open for industry/public review until 5pm 11th January 2013. All comment should be submitted to