
Unregulated customers on the Barwon-Darling River system are being advised that a new rule affecting pumping allowances in the NSW Government’s water sharing plan is scheduled to come into effect on Tuesday 12 January.

The resumption of flow rule was incorporated into the Barwon-Darling unregulated water sharing plan in July 2020, and requires holders of A, B and C class licences to cease pumping when flows resume along the river after a prolonged dry period.

The rule comes into effect when the flow rate at Wilcannia has been below 200 megalitres per day (ML/day) for 90 consecutive days. (Flows dropped below 200ML/d on the 15 October 2020 and 90 days after this date is Tuesday, 12 January).

At that point, water will not be able to be extracted by A, B and C class licences and this will be reflected in access announcements in the Barwon Darling unregulated river to be published by WaterNSW on 12 January.

Pumping can resume in line with existing access announcements once there is a forecast for river flow at Wilcannia of 400ML/day for a minimum of ten days OR a forecast of a cumulative flow to pass Bourke of 30,000 megalitres.

Information confirming the status of the resumption of flow rule will be available on the WaterNSW water insights portal.

For more information on the resumption of flow rule in the Barwon-Darling water sharing plan visit the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment Water website.

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