Dredging works at the Port of Broome are set to begin in mid-2019 to improve cruise ship access and boost local tourism, and ready the port for the 2019 cruise season in October.
Work to dredge the port channel will allow round-the-clock access for cruise ships, which currently need to dock at irregular hours due to the port’s navigational hazards.
The WA Government has committed an extra $8 million to the Channel Optimisation Project in Broome following recent geotechnical assessments that showed a higher density and volume of rock would need to be dredged.
The dredging is scheduled to take place in mid-2019 as an outcome of negotiations with the dredge contractor, and to coincide with the mobilisation of dredging equipment for a project in Port Hedland.
Minister for Transport, Rita Saffioti, said, “The original funding commitment has been increased to ensure the best possible outcome for shipping accessibility arising from the dredging project in Broome.”