The contract for the construction of a 38.5km pipeline to connect the lower Yorke Peninsula towns of Warooka and Point Turton to SA Water’s mains water supply as well as a new booster pump station has been awarded.
Leed Engineering and Construction has been contracted to carry out the work, which is scheduled for completion by late 2018.
The 38.5km pipeline will secure the future of the two town’s water supply and is expected to create 26 full-time jobs during construction.
The new pipeline will join Yorke Peninsula’s existing network at Minlacowie and move water to Warooka, where it will then pass through the local distribution network to supply around 1500 customer connections.
Improvements under the project include building a new booster pump station along the pipeline route, laying 1.25km of new water mains in Point Turton and re-roofing the existing Warooka storage tank.
The pipeline will be installed under the road verge where possible and follow a route that includes Harry Butler Road, Hardwicke Bay Road, Yorke Highway, Corny Point Road and White Hut Road.
Trenching will be used to install a variety of pipe sizes in this new part of SA Water’s network. These will be mostly made of PVC, which is a flexible plastic-like material that is more resistant to breaks caused by soil movement.
Minister for Water and the River Murray, Ian Hunter, said once connected, the town’s new supply will come from the Morgan and Swan Reach Water Treatment Plants
“Residents will notice a difference in taste and odour with this water; as with all SA Water supplies, they can be assured the water is clean and safe to drink,” Mr Hunter said.
“Warooka and Point Turton’s water supply is currently sourced from a borefield, which SA Water’s extensive modelling has indicated isn’t adequate to provide for future demand.”
Minister for Regional Development, Geoff Brock, said, “Along with the liveability benefits an improved water supply will provide, the construction component will also be a boon for the local area, with the need for workers, accommodation and supplies such as hardware.
“This pipeline project is very much driven by a need to support the lower Yorke Peninsula communities. We are committed to keeping local residents informed throughout all stages of the project to manage practicalities of the work.”
There was a competitive tendering process after the State Government announced in July 2017 that SA Water will invest up to $13 million in the project.
As part of SA Water’s commitment to providing opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, the tender was assessed on the contractor’s approach to maximising the local Narungga people as part of this project.