Gosford City Council has awarded a tender worth $1 million for the refurbishment of Sewage Pump Stations KA1, FB3 and SD5 to Carey Constructions Pty Ltd.
The refurbishment is part of the extensive Sewage Pump Station Upgrade Program aimed at improving the reliability, capacity and performance of the region’s sewer network.
Condition assessments have been carried out at all Council’s pump stations – around 180 – to identify those needing high-priority upgrades.
Upgrade works are either underway or planned in a number of areas – including Point Frederick, Woy Woy, Terrigal and Kariong.
A tender recently closed for the construction of a new sewage pump station (SPS) and rising main (RM), titled S8A and refurbishment of existing SPSs M5 and M7. Works include excavation, temporary sewage by pass, concrete works, pipe work, civil works and all electrical work as detailed in the technical specification.
The Council has also approved the acquisition of land for the augmentation of Kariong sewage pumping station affecting crown land at Casey Crescent, Kariong.