
Here are some of the top new stories on contracts awarded in the last quarter in water and wastewater

Contractor appointed for Gosford pump station job

Gosford City Council has awarded a tender worth $1 million for the refurbishment of Sewage Pump Stations KA1, FB3 and SD5 to Carey Constructions Pty Ltd.

The refurbishment is part of the  extensive Sewage Pump Station Upgrade Program aimed at improving the reliability, capacity and performance of the region’s sewer network.

Golf Course pump station

Brimbank Council has awarded a contract to Planned Irrigation Projects for the Keilor Golf Course Pump Station.

The job requires the company to  design, supply and install a pump station and filtration plant into an existing pump house structure.

The pump station will connect into the existing irrigation system for the Keilor Golf Course. Irrigation water will be extracted from an existing 7 ML storage dam.

Mackay Council water recycling

Mackay Regional Council has awarded a $25 million tender to Transfield SKM Joint Venture for the construction of a new water recycling facility in Sarina.

A separate tender totalling $3.5 million was recently awarded to G&MA Lemura Contracting for the construction of a major sewerage pump station and rising main in Sarina to pump the sewage to the new facility.


SCADA and Telemetry upgrade

Mackay Regional Council has awarded the tender to implement a new SCADA and Telemetry system at 78 sewage pump stations and 10 water reservoirs and pump stations to MPA Engineering Pty Ltd.

According to the council; “the current telemetry network in Mackay uses a ClearSCADA (Supervisory Control and Data) control system operating at Paget Depot, along with Rad-Tel RTUs (Remote Terminal Unit) at the numerous sewerage pumping stations (160) and water asset sites (25) within the Mackay  networks.

“The next phase of the overall SCADA and telemetry upgrade project involves replacement of the existing obsolete 3000 and 5000 Series Rad-Tel RTUs along with their analogue radios with new RTUs and digital radios.

Dimboola to Nhill pipeline

Goulburn Murray Water has awarded contracts for the supply and construction of a transfer pump station and construction of the Dimboola to Nhill pipeline.

The contract for supply and construction of a transfer pump station in Dimboola has been awarded to CHS Group Australia with works expected to commence in January 2013.

The contract to construct a 38 km pipeline to supply drinking water from the Dimboola Water Treatment Plant to Nhill has been awarded to Mitchell Water Australia.

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