
Carnegie Wave Energy has announced the completion of the Detailed Design of the Desalination Pilot Plant and the signing of a Cooperation Agreement with the Western Australian Water Corporation.

The desalination pilot plant will be integrated into Carnegie’s Perth Wave Energy Project on Garden Island, Western Australia, and will demonstrate for the first time globally the production of both power and freshwater from the ocean’s waves. The award of the manufacturing and construction contract will be announced in the coming weeks.

Also during the quarter, Carnegie announced the signing of a Cooperation Agreement with the Western Australian Water Corporation to provide support to Carnegie for the wave powered seawater desalination pilot plant. The Water Corporation is globally recognised as a leader in seawater desalination having built the 45 billion litres p.a.

Perth Seawater Desalination Plant in 2006 and the 100 billion litres p.a. Southern Seawater Desalination Plant south of Perth at Binningup.

The Water Corporation’s Chief Executive Officer, Mrs Sue Murphy, said: “Seawater desalination is an important part of Perth’s long term water supply solution and we are focused on minimising the environmental footprint of our desalination operations. Carnegie’s wave powered seawater desalination technology offers a novel and promising approach to achieving desalinated freshwater with zero greenhouse gas emissions.”

Additionally, Carnegie announced the receipt of a quarterly grant payment of $180,216 from AusIndustry’s Clean Technology Innovation Program. This grant payment was for progress on the detailed design of Carnegie’s CETO wave powered desalination pilot plant.

Carnegie has also recently awarded the contract for the Onshore Plant and Process Control System to ABB Australia Pty Ltd.  CWE says that “as a global leader in power and automation technologies, ABB is highly experienced in the power generation sector. The award of the contract followed a competitive bidding process which compared quality, cost, delivery and safety. With this contract, all of the key elements for the Perth Wave Energy Project have now been ordered. “


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