By GWMWater
It is important at GWMWater to provide our urban customers with drinking quality water. Where this is not possible we strive to provide clean water that can be used for domestic purposes.
In 2011 Donald’s water supply was severely impacted by a 1 in 200 year flood event and the town was declared as having a water supply not suitable for drinking. The challenge was to improve turbidity and colour until the town could be permanently returned to a drinking water supply.
With Acromet we set about finding a solution that could dose neat polydadmac coagulate into a pressurised pipeline. A stand alone and secure dosing station was needed that could operate off minimal power, dose neat coagulant and be able to contain any chemical spill. It was decided that the Acromet DLX Series metering pump was ideal to be included inside a dosing station.
As part of the design brief the Acromet DLX Series metering pump had to be located in a safe area. Mark Ferguson, GWMWater’s Water Quality Process Officer, agreed with Acromet’s concept of an all in one intermediate bulk container (IBC) and lockable spill containment station. This concept satisfied all the design briefs and became known as the IBC dosing station.
The GWMWater site was suitable for metering pumps (or transfer pumps) where an IBC and spill containment feature could be provided in one secure assembly. The IBC station is used to safely and securely house chemical and equipment such as metering pumps, transfer pumps, pipes and instrumentation. It has a weather proof enclosure over a 1,000 L chemical bund.
The installation was completed successfully and the overall project continues to provide Donald with greatly improved water quality of 1.5 NTU and 5 HU true colour compared to 45 NTU and 60 HU true colour.
About Donald
Donald is located three hours north west of Melbourne and has a population of 1,500.
About GWMWater
GWMWater has one of the largest geographic footprints of all Victorian Water businesses, covering some 62,000 square kilometres or 25 percent of regional Victoria and includes 13 municipalities across the Grampians and Wimmera Mallee regions.
About the DLX Series
The DLX range offers a wide selection of models which all offer the same advantages. This makes setting up, operation and maintenance of the pump easy and cost effective.
Features: Pure Teflon Diaphragm (not susceptible to de-lamination)
Duck bill check valves: Viton / EPDM available
Manual bleed head (models up to 20 l/hr) offers ease of set-up.
Reinforced Polypropylene Head (PVC / PVDF also available)