Groundwater investigations have been undertaken by the NSW Government as part of works to secure Broken Hill’s long term water supply. The investigations focused on periods when there is insufficient water available in the Menindee Lakes system to meet the city’s requirements.
These investigations have been undertaken on the northern margin of Lake Menindee in the vicinity of the interconnecting channel between Copi Hollow and Lake Menindee.
This area has been selected due to its proximity to the Broken Hill pipeline and existing infrastructure, as well as the potential suitability of the groundwater aquifer to meet supply requirements.
The program has consisted of the drilling of five test production and one investigation bore.
Pump testing has also been conducted consisting of an initial step drawdown test to assess the aquifer characteristics and to determine a pump rate for the following constant rate pump test.
The bores have been targeting a sand aquifer at a depth of about 200m in a geological feature known as the Menindee Trough.
These bores have enabled the assessment of the geology, water quality and available quantity from this deep aquifer.
The investigations are now complete.
This work has been done in conjunction with surface and groundwater investigations undertaken by Water NSW.