While most business owners recognise that the return on investment in staff training can be significant, many are held back by not knowing where to start, how to find the right training provider for their needs, or by concerns about the cost, or of productivity suffering during training. If this sounds like you, a chat with Market Facilitation Manager Suzanne Wells is a good place to start. Suzanne was recently appointed to the Eastern Metropolitan Region, which incorporates a good part of the pump industry in Victoria.
Suzanne attended a recent breakfast meeting for the pump industry and says she was pleased at the level of interest in staff training.
“The pump industry encompasses so many different skills areas and it was great to see the general recognition of the value of training in your industry. The Victorian training system has been through a number of significant changes in recent times, so I encourage business owners and employers to get in contact and find out exactly what’s out there,” Suzanne says.
Funded by the Victorian Government through the Higher Education and Skills Group, Victoria’s Market Facilitation Managers can help employers with a range of skills training issues including getting a skills audit to determine their training needs, finding the right training provider and finding out about eligibility for government-subsidised training.
Also available is ‘Training and your business’, a handy toolkit for employers considering training. This introduction to the Victorian training system has helpful information including a checklist for comparing training providers, steps to getting the best training for your business, how Recognition of Prior Learning works and case studies of businesses with successful training programs (see Wilson Transformer Company’s story).
The Victorian Skills Gateway, a major new skills and training website scheduled to launch in early December, will also be a significant resource for employers.
The website has a dedicated employers section with information to make it easier to shop around for a training provider and to get the training that your business needs. There are tools to help you determine whether your employees may be eligible for a government-subsidised training place under the Victorian Training Guarantee, and to understand the value of apprenticeships and traineeships.
Click here for a training case study or for more information about the training, contact Suzanne Wells on (03) 9938 0165 or at wells.suzanne.s@edumail.vic.gov.au