Net Zero graphic.

Hydro Tasmania has announced its Towards Net Zero plan, which is aimed at achieving net zero reportable scope one and two emissions by 30 June 2025.

The plan involves a raft of initiatives to measure, reduce and offset emissions across Hydro Tasmania, its energy retailer, Momentum Energy, and its consulting business, Entura. 

Hydro Tasmania CEO, Ian Brooksbank, said the company was already one of the lowest emitters in the sector, had significantly reduced emissions over the past few years, and was committed to doing even more.

“Hydro Tasmania has a proud history of sustainability, and our renewable energy is helping the state achieve its own net zero targets,” Mr Brooksbank said.

“Committing to our own journey towards net zero emissions is the next step in our story. Our action plan is redefining the way we generate, distribute, and consume electricity, so we can address the impacts of climate change and help keep our planet healthy for future generations.”

Activities to reduce emissions include replacing passenger vehicles with electric vehicles, improving energy efficiency in buildings and power stations, and reducing reliance on diesel on the Bass Strait Islands. Remaining emissions are set to be offset, with a priority on purchasing Tasmanian carbon credits.

Hydro Tasmania has already started the complex task of measuring scope three emissions, so it can devise further emission reduction strategies.

Momentum Energy, the Hydro Tasmania-owned mainland retailer, was rated 4.5 in the 2022 Greenpeace Green Electricity Guide

Momentum Energy’s Managing Director, Lisa Chiba, said sustainability was an important point of difference for many consumers in choosing their electricity retailer.

“Renewable energy and sustainability are in Momentum’s DNA. We’re determined to support Australia’s drive to net zero by providing the education and products our customers, both large and small, need to help them reduce emissions and switch to renewable energy,” Ms Chiba said. 

Entura Managing Director, Tammy Chu, said the company played a unique role, taking expert skills and knowledge honed over a century on Tasmania’s hydro schemes, to the rest of the world. 

“Entura works in Australia and around the world helping communities to transition to renewable energy and reduce their carbon emissions,” Ms Chu said.

Mr Brooksbank said Hydro Tasmania would continue to investigate, track and report greenhouse gas emissions and progress towards net zero, communicating openly on challenges and solutions.

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