Icon Water has officially delivered high quality drinking water to over 163,000 households and continues to successfully maintain their large number of pump stations, reservoirs and water pipelines. The company’s success was highlighted in Icon Water’s recent Annual Drinking Water Quality Report .
Icon Water spokeswomen, Angie Drake, said that this year the organisation had taken and tested thousands of routine water samples from garden taps and reservoirs.
“Icon Water operates and maintains 47 service reservoirs, 25 pump stations and over 3,200 km of water pipelines; and of course the four main catchments which are holding more water than we’ve ever had before,” she said.
“We have been focusing on our water quality testing program and we’ve had quite a few new participants this year. We can always take more though and we will continue to target specific areas for the program in the future to make sure our water is the best it can be,” Ms Drake said.
“This report reaffirms the quality that our customers have come to expect, and can continue to expect as we invest in our network of treatment works and pipelines.”
“Ensuring the supply of high quality water to our community is our key priority and the 2015 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report reflects that we have achieved this” she said.
Canberra experienced a wet summer over 2014–15, which resulted in a reduction in annual water consumption across Canberra and Queanbeyan. The rainfall at Canberra airport was 11 per cent below the long term average and total evaporation was 3 per cent above the long term average. Despite this, the total inflows to the four storage reservoirs totalled 148 GL, which is 5 per cent above the average of the last 15 years.