
NOV Mono’s newly certified InviziQ™ Pressure Sewer System (PSS) has proved its success on a major 940-lot housing project in New South Wales, Australia. The Pitt Town project is being built in stages, and with over 200 houses already connected, the impressive performance of the InviziQ™ system has already surpassed the expectations of the utility operator.

The InviziQ™ system – which was recently certified by the Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA) – provides far more reliable removal of sewage from individual households than conventional alternatives. Sewage is taken from each property and reduced to a workable slurry, which can then be easily transferred for treatment.

novmonoivisiqCommenting on the ability of the InviziQ™ system to macerate and pump the solids, Andrew Horton, Executive Manager of the Pitt Town project utility operator, Flow Systems, said: “We are basically getting no screenings at all. We were initially worried that they were building up in the mains, but we flushed them and found nothing. When we checked the bioreactor further upstream we found that no screenings had bypassed the InviziQ™ pumps. The Mono™ equipment seems to be grinding everything up.”

“This is a significant success for us, and it really reinforces the WSAA certification which InviziQ™ now has, especially as we are the only PSS manufacturer in Australia to receive this recognition,” said Richard Pacholek, Mono’s Industry Segment Manager for Pressure Sewer.

“The project has been running for a number of years and there have been no issues with the InviziQ™ equipment. This really reflects the many years of innovation and development that have gone into the system.”

“We have worked very closely with both Flow Systems and the project developer, Johnson Property Group, to ensure a satisfactory solution for everyone involved. We have supplied the equipment, handled the commissioning and worked hard to provide service that is second-to-none by looking after maintenance and service checks, any plumbing enquiries that arise, and any reticulation issues within the network.”

Many more InviziQ™ tanks have now been installed ready for new houses to be added on the project, which will eventually feature 940 dwellings. Sewerage from the properties is collected by the InviziQ™ system so that it can be treated using Membrane Bioreactor technology. This produces cleaned water which is then used by the houses for toilet flushing, laundry, and irrigation purposes.

The current standard InviziQ™ system has a storage tank with an approximate 900-litre capacity, a Progressing Cavity (PC) pump incorporating a macerator, and an automatic electronic controller which regulates the flow, monitors fluid levels, and protects the pump.

It features a unique and revolutionary Dry Well feature, which keeps the pump motor, fluid level sensor and electrical systems separate from the fluid being pumped. This uses a vertically-mounted pump cassette inserted into the tank through a hole in the Dry Well, and ensures that the pump is suspended without the need for a foot which can cause ragging. From an operational Health and Safety perspective, this also makes accessing the system for servicing a far easier and safer process which involves no contact with the sewage.

More details can be found on the MonoPumps website.

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