
TasWater has completed upgrades and maintenance works on stormwater pumps at the Margaret Street Pump Station near Kings Park in Launceston.

Glen Rowlands, TasWater’s Department Manager, Urban Treatment Plants, said, “The major flood event in June this year demonstrated the effectiveness of the Launceston flood protection system of which the Margaret Street Pump Station is one of a number of key facilities in Launceston’s combined system, which provides sewerage and stormwater services to the city as well as protection from flooding during periods of heavy rain.”

The pumps can remove massive volumes of stormwater from the system during high rainfall events, transferring it over the levee system into the river, even against the flow of a high tide.

Mr Rowlands said if the pumps did not operate as designed, stormwater would collect behind the levee system and cause flooding in and around the city centre.

“When all of the pumps are operating the station is capable of discharging almost 10,000 litres of
stormwater each second into the river.”

The Margaret Street pump station is one the largest of its type in Australia and at the time of
construction in 1990, was reportedly the largest in the southern hemisphere.

The maintenance work will ensure the pumps remain in good working order and have an optimal asset life.

“All the pumps have been lifted to the surface and have undergone an inspection and performance check by specialist service agents,” Mr Rowlands said.

“The pumps have proven to be in excellent condition and should provide many more years of reliable service.”

Installed by the Launceston City Council, the pump station is now part of TasWater’s infrastructure, who will also carry out ongoing operations and maintenance of the pump station.

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