Mackay Regional Council in Queensland and its tap water from the Marian Water Treatment Plant is representing Australia at the 30th Annual Berkeley Springs International Water Tasting competition held in West Virginia in the US.
The international competition is being held in West Virginia from 20 to 23 February 2020.
Mackay Regional Council won the 5th Ixom Best Tasting Tap Water in Australia competition on Saturday 19 October 2019 and as such won the opportunity to represent Australia at the international competition.
The Ixom Best Tasting Tap Water in Australia competition is run by the Water Industry Operators Association of Australia (WIOA).
Competitors are judged by using a blind taste test which considers colour, clarity, odour, mouthfeel and taste.
While the competition itself is all in the spirit of good fun, there is a meaningful undertone to it, recognising the hard work of those who ensure safe, clean drinking water is available to people every day.
Craig Mathisen, WIOA Chief Operations Officer, said members of the general public would be surprised to learn the complexities involved in delivering high-quality water to taps each day.
“The competition is a testament to the excellent quality of Australian water and to the diligence and commitment of the operational employees who deliver it to our communities,” Mr Mathisen said.
“Many of us turn on taps for a drink, to cook and shower, with little consideration of what it takes to operate and maintain the water infrastructure. We want to celebrate our unsung heroes – the water operators and the maintenance crews who work all year round to ensure we have high-quality water, which is essential to keep us alive.”