
A predictive tool to assist in the design of Launceston water infrastructure has won a major award at the recent Tasmanian Australian Water Association Awards.

The TasWater, WSP in Australia and ADS Environmental Services team created the ‘Launceston Network Flow Survey and Hydraulic Model Build and Calibration’ project which claimed the Infrastructure Project Innovation Award (Regional).

This project delivered an accurate and predictive tool that will be used for the planning and design of major projects within Launceston and has also significantly built understanding and operational intelligence of Launceston’s complicated combined sewerage network. 

A combined sewerage network is one where stormwater and sewage are managed within the same system, and Launceston’s system is the largest in Australia.

The project falls under TasWater’s Launceston Sewerage Improvement Program (LSIP). The LSIP represents a long-term investment by TasWater to address existing and future environmental risk, compliance and capacity issues at seven sewage treatment plants in the Greater Launceston area. LSIP projects will help to divert sewage and stormwater flows away from kanamaluka/Tamar estuary. 

Delivering these projects, which include upgrades and new construction along with additional pipelines, will improve Launceston’s combined system which manages the flows of both sewage and stormwater. 

Projected measurable benefits in an average rainfall year include a 66 per cent reduction in combined sewage and stormwater overflow volumes and reducing the presence of human waste-related bacteria concentrations by up to 36 per cent, recognising that the kanamaluka/Tamar estuary is an important ecological and social environment that needs protecting.

Featured Image, left to right: TasWater Board Member Nick Burrows, General Manager Project Delivery Tony Willmott, Senior Specialist Engineer (Investigation) John McCausland, TasWater Chief Executive Officer George Theo, General Manager (Australia) ADS Environmental Services Pty Ltd Javier Calvar, and Alliance Program Manager, TasWater Capital Delivery Office, Ian Dunbabin.

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