Murrumbidgee Irrigation’s (MI) Chair, Tracey Valenzisi, highlighted the end of a decade-long automation program at the organisation’s twenty-sixth Annual General Meeting (AGM), held in Griffith on 7 November.
Ms Valenzisi said that modernising the MI integrated supply system will benefit many customers.
“These upgrades will provide us with a delivery system that will support a more flexible, timely, and efficient water delivery network for many decades,” she said.
Ms Valenzisi said a clear and forward-thinking strategy is vital to any organisation’s long-term success.
“We have been exploring MI’s future beyond the automation process while considering how we might operate with reduced water availability. Additionally, we are exploring potential outcomes that will benefit our shareholders and stakeholders in the long run,” she said.
“While we can’t foresee the future, we anticipate our organisation’s next significant advancement will likely be in the digital space.
“To remain competitive in the evolving irrigation industry, we must maximise the potential of our tools and technology, focusing on optimising our advanced IT systems, customer interfaces, and data utilisation.”
Shareholders were also reminded that 2024 has presented significant challenges regarding water policy.
“The Federal Government’s introduction of the Restoring Our Rivers Bill in December 2023 has, unfortunately, placed a renewed focus on the buyback of productive water,” Ms Valenzisi said.
“MI has always maintained that the solution is not as straightforward as simply buying back productive water from irrigators.
“The meeting allowed discussions with shareholders on options to address the impact of buybacks, including efficiency projects, water sales, water purchases, investment returns, and maintenance requirements.
“We remain committed to successfully delivering projects that generate the water savings required under the Murray-Darling Basin Plan.”
Addressing shareholders, MI’s Managing Director, Brett Jones, said it was pleasing to see the completion of the remaining automation works this year.
“I believe we have now embedded automation across our business,” he said,
“Of course, this is not the end of the journey; simply the beginning of our next stage, focusing on delivering greater value from our assets and always looking for the next improvement opportunity to support our customers.”
Shareholders supported Lil Bianchini’s reappointment as an independent director and welcomed Grant Delves’s reappointment as a member director. They also approved several changes to the constitution.
Image: Uwe/