
Technical articles featured most strongly in our most-read list, which was dominated by our highly popular ‘Understanding pump curves series’ by Ron Astall, which took out the top 4 spots, and the original article from 2013 still managing to reach 2013’s top ten.

The full list is below:

  1. Understanding pump curves 3: centrifugal pumps in parallel
  2. Understanding pump curves 2: stable unstable curves
  3. Understanding pump curves 4: variable speed the answer to all your prayers?
  4. Understanding pump curves 5: minimum flow part one
  5. Pump services in the LNG industry
  6. Most commonly used pumping terms and symbols
  7. Understanding pump curves 1
  8. Power station pumps
  9. Using slurry rheology testing to assist with tailings pumping design
  10. Arc valves best practice for pump protection 

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