
The new $53.7 million environmentally sustainable wastewater treatment plant at Cedar Grove in Logan, Queensland, is now operational and servicing the Greater Flagstone Priority Development Area (PDA).

Member for Jordan, Charis Mullen, said at the peak of construction of the wastewater treatment plant, including wetlands, 20km of pipeline and four pump stations, more than 500 workers were on-site.

“The State Government committed $40 million to fund the construction of the first stage of this essential infrastructure,” Ms Mullen said.

“The delivery is a great example of state and local governments uniting to meet the needs of the community.

“Over time $1.2 billion of essential infrastructure will be delivered for the Greater Flagstone and Yarrabilba PDAs.

“These two PDAs are vital to delivering new housing needed in South East Queensland over the next three to four decades, particularly in these challenging times.” 

The $1.2 billion infrastructure agreement, the largest of its type executed by any government in Australia, was negotiated between the Economic Development Queensland, Logan City Council and nine landowners across the two PDAs.

Facilities already delivered include schools, retail precincts, the Yarrabilba Family and Community Place, sports and community hub, and major parks.

The treatment plant will operate under the strictest environmental license ever granted by the Queensland Department of Environment and Science. 

The plant will manage wastewater flows from about 20,000 people initially. Future stages will provide services to around 189,000 people.

Logan City Council Mayor, Darren Power, said the State Government and council’s Logan Water worked together to construct this first stage of a state-of-the-art wastewater treatment plant located on 204 hectares of council-owned land.

“Only five per cent of the total site will be used for wastewater treatment,” Mr Power said.

“The balance of the site will be dedicated to great community and environmental outcomes including 7.27 hectares of wetlands, a 150kW solar array to supplement the power needed to run the plant, environmental education centre, a landcare nursery, walking trails, picnic shelters, car park and amenities.

“An additional planting of 34,000 native trees on 37 hectares of the Cedar Grove site offsets approved vegetation removal. The ecosystem is nourished by highly-treated wastewater from the site.”

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