
A water treatment plant in Bindoon (WA) will receive a new and improved filter after the old one was damaged by a water pressure surge.

Water Corporation representatives recently met with Member for Moore, Shane Love MLA, Member for the Agricultural Region, Martin Aldridge MLC, and Shire of Chittering CEO, Gary Tuffin, at the Bindoon Water Treatment Plant to provide an update on the town’s water supplies.

Bindoon water supplies are managed by the Water Corporation and sourced from a borefield located just outside the town. Water from the bore is transported to, and filtered at, a water treatment plant to remove high levels of naturally occurring minerals before it is then supplied to customers.

In February this year there was a break in the filter. Water Corporation Mid West Regional Manager Steve Greeve explained the Corporation was quick to get the filter back online and that improvements have been made with a new filter also still to be installed.

“The damage to the filter was caused by a surge in water pressure, which meant we had to take the water treatment plant offline to repair it,” Mr Greeve said.

“It was not a simple fix but we were able to have it repaired and back online within a week.

“During this time we also reviewed the system and have since installed measures to prevent a surge in pressure happening again. The next step is to install a new water filter, which has been specifically designed to further improve the process at Bindoon Water Treatment Plant.”

The filter is being manufactured and delivered at a cost of $100,000 and is expected to be operational by July.

Mr Greeve thanked customers in Bindoon for their patience and cooperation throughout this process.

“Thank you to the community, who were very understanding during the recent event. I understand this was disruptive and I assure our customers that we are committed to providing the best quality of water, and service, possible,” Mr Greeve said.

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