A new diesel generator has been installed at the Thozet Road Water Pump Station (WPS) in Queensland that will provide around-the-clock operations in all weather conditions.
Rockhampton Regional Council Water Committee Chair, councillor Neil Fisher, said the new generator will allow the site to operate as normal during future severe weather events and power outages.
“The newly installed generator is capable of supplying power to the entire site which in turn ensures uninterrupted water supply to the more than 5,000 properties in North Rockhampton supplied from this site,” Mr Fisher said.
Fitzroy River Water (FRW), a unit of the Rockhampton Regional Council, is responsible for operating and maintaining the pump station, and other water and sewer assets throughout the region.
FRW Manager, Dr Jason Plumb, said it was vital to have the new infrastructure fully operational, especially during extreme weather events.
“Events such as Cyclone Marcia in 2015 caused significant disruption to the water supply in the Frenchville area due to the loss of power, and this new generator will now prevent this from occurring in future similar events,” Dr Plumb said.
“This project is an important part of ensuring that the Thozet Rd WPS can continue to operate during periods of extended power outages so that the reservoirs located at Forbes Avenue and Rogar Avenue can continue to be supplied with drinking water when mains power is lost following cyclones or severe storms.”
The project was completed by local electrical contractor Rocky Industrial Controls with a total project value of $216,000.