
TasWater has advised residents in Franklin, and parts of Nicholls Rivulet, that they no longer have to boil their water before drinking after major pump station and pipeline upgrades.

Following a significant upgrade of the water supply to both areas, the Department of Health and Human Services has approved the lifting of the ‘Boil Water Alert’ with water now meeting both Australian Drinking Water Guidelines and the provisions of the Tasmanian Public Health Act (1997).

TasWater CEO, Michael Brewster, said there are now no restrictions on the use of water with residents able to drink water from their domestic taps without first having to boil it.

At Nicholls Rivulet, improvements which have led to the lifting of the Boil Water Alert, include the installation of a new pump station. While at Jacksons Road there are new pipelines and a new reservoir.

“This enables both areas to access fully treated water from the Glen Huon treatment plant with the advantage of fluoridation,” Mr Brewster said.

Along with Jacksons Road and Nicholls Rivulet, Fingal has also just had its boil water alert lifted which brings the number of communities covered by Boil Water Alerts or Do Not Consume Notices down to 23, which Mr Brewster says is positive news for Tasmanians.

“TasWater is spending more than $300million dollars over the next three years to upgrade water and sewage systems across the state, with a commitment to reduce the number of towns covered by Boil Water or Do Not Consume notices down to a maximum of eight by 2017,” Mr Brewster said.

TasWater will continue regular testing programme in the area to ensure water quality is maintained.

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