
PIA held a successful seminar in Brisbane on August 29 which focused on pumping equipment for the resource sector.

The program was chaired by PIA Vice President Ron Astall, and included a range of pump companies and end-users presenting papers on the latest applications in pump technology in the resources sector.

The day opened with a presentations from Frank Passmore from Fire by Design discussing maintenance of fire pumps in remote locations. Gareth Munro of Weir Minerals demonstrated how operational costs of slurry pumping could be reduced and Jeremy Tuerlings of Flowseve demonstrated the latest monitoring equipment for pumps.

The afternoon included an interesting look at permanent magnet motors from Rajan Tulasi at ABB, as well as a look at using model motor analysis to monitor driven machine condition from Mike Davis of Machine Monitor, a division of GE Energy. The day was rounded out with Marty Williams of BP Kwinana discussing pump reliability improvements and Andrew Nicolin from John Crane looking at diamond faces for mechanical seals.

The seminar followed the PIA General Meeting on the previous day, also held in Brisbane. The General Meeting included an address from Dugald Anthony from Austrade and export opportunities and support and a presentation from Ivan Hernandez from Frost & Sullivan about pump industry statistics. The general meeting was followed by casual drinks.

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