Gorman-Rupp is the world’s leading manufacturer of self-priming centrifugal pumps and the main producer of packaged above-ground pumping stations. With thousands of installations over the past 40 years in the USA, and a growing population in Europe, these stations are a key solution for industrial and municipal wastewater pumping applications.
Not only are they quick and easy to install with minimal environmental impact, the pumps require minimal, safe and simple maintenance, which means these above-ground pump stations offer a whole range of advantages over submersible or dry-pit pump stations.
Gorman-Rupp self-priming centrifugal sewage pumps are located at ground level to allow operators easy and safe access for service and maintenance. They can operate on suction lifts to 7.6m, can deliver flows to 200 litres per second with a single pump, and deliver heads to 95m.
Advantages of above-ground pumping stations
Connect the piping, hook up the power supply and your station is ready to go!
Supplied fully equipped
Packaged pump stations are supplied complete with pumps, motors, drive systems, valves, inter-connecting piping, level controls and motor control centre. All equipment can be installed into existing buildings or can be supplied in a specialty enclosure.
Enclosures can include:
• A standard 200 x 200 fibreglass enclosure with several exterior appearance options
• A standard 210 x 300 fibreglass enclosure with “roll top”
• Concrete enclosures built to size
• Acoustic steel enclosures built to size
Save on civil engineering
- The pumps are installed at ground level
- The sump can be significantly smaller (than that required for a submersible) while still providing the required flow volume
- There’s no need for a separate valve chamber
Save on operating costs
• Quick, easy and safe maintenance because equipment is easily accessed
• The wet well is automatically and continuously cleaned because the Gorman-Rupp self-priming pumps can pump down to very low levels, removing all of the contents (including sediment, rags, wipes and fat) with every pump cycle
• Good energy efficiency by using high efficiency motors, and being able to keep pumps at their peak operating efficiency
• Very long service life compared to submersible pumps
• Servicing can be done safely by a single operator
Save on installation
• The entire pump station is tested at the factory under site conditions, so all that is required is connecting piping and power
• When upgrading existing stations, upgrading wet well size is not necessary, because only the suction lines need to fit into the wet well
• When upgrading old dry well installations, most of the infrastructure can be reused when using self priming pumps, as pumps can be located at motor gallery level or at ground level, and re-use the existing wet well. Adding storage capacity by converting the dry well to a wet well is also possible
Improved safety
No matter how good and how advanced submersible pumps may become, there will always be a need for operators to open wet well hatches to access pumps, guide rails and discharge bends when they need repair or replacement.
With Gorman-Rupp self-priming pumps, operators do not have to open wet well hatches or work in unsafe confined spaces. They also don’t have to work with cranes or heavy swinging weights, and only one operator is required to perform most of the maintenance work.
When Hydro Innovations supply a complete packaged pump station (with or without enclosure or controls), everything supplied in the package is warranted for five years by the manufacturer, Gorman-Rupp.
If you would like to attend free training call Hydro Innovations on (02) 9898 1800 or email sales@hydroinnovations.com.au.
Read more about pump stations here.