
Several minor works and critical engineering works are progressing as part of TasWater’s commitment to the Tamar Estuary River Health Action Plan (RHAP), including a pump station tender due to be released shortly.

Ongoing investigations into major projects outlined in the plan are also underway.

TasWater Capital Delivery Office (CDO) Group Leader Planning and Investigation, Andrew Truscott, said, “This program of works, once complete, will help improve water quality within the Tamar and represents TasWater’s component of the overarching RHAP.”

Tenders for the initial design of the combined system upgrades were released in November 2020, following industry consultation. Two further engineering work packages will be issued for tender in late February. 

These will include the Margaret Street Sewerage Pump Station upgrades and the Margaret Street major sewer pipe diversion.

In addition to the engineering investigations, preliminary upgrade work at the Willis Street Pump Station is due for completion in early March.

Significant investigation and planning work is required to ensure the combined system upgrade portion of the plan is actioned effectively and efficiently.

“We are currently assessing the preliminary design work tenders and aim to have engaged an engineering consultant in March to progress the Tamar Estuary combined system upgrades,” Mr Truscott said.

“The consultants will develop the preliminary design to enable the project to progress to pricing and construction.

“A number of local Tasmanian consultants have also been engaged to undertake flora and fauna, geotechnical, Aboriginal and European heritage surveys.

“These works will inform environmental approvals and the final design process.”

The combined system upgrades are extensive and include increasing network storage, installation and upgrade of sewage pump stations and new pipelines.

Construction work on the major projects are scheduled to commence towards the end of 2021.

“We look forward to bringing these major projects to fruition,” Mr Truscott said.

“These improvements will increase storage capacity within the combined system and enable our infrastructure to efficiently manage stormwater flows during extreme weather events.”

Of the $129.2 million allocated to deliver the RHAP Combined System Improvements, the Federal and State Governments are each contributing $42.5 million, TasWater $33.2 million and the City of Launceston $11 million. 

The River Health Action Plan is a key initiative of the Launceston City Deal.

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