
CSG companies will be urged to reuse water in ways that are beneficial to local landholders, water-dependent industry and the environment following a review of Queensland’s Coal Seam Gas (CSG) Water policy.

Minister for Environment and Heritage Protection Andrew Powell said the CSG Water Management Policy, produced with the assistance of the GasFields Commission, would provide certainty for landowners and wider the community, and give industry a clear understanding of the government’s priorities for managing CSG water.

“I’ve travelled to a number of communities across the state where the CSG industry is developing and expanding,” Mr Powell said

“After extensive community consultation the Newman Government has identified two clear priorities for CSG water management.

“Firstly, CSG water could be used for the benefit of the environment, water users or water dependant industries.

“After all feasible beneficial use options have been considered, CSG water must then be treated and disposed of in a way that minimises impacts to the environment.

Mr Powell said that CSG operators must be strategic and proactive in their management of CSG water.

“That will ensure that impacts on the environment are avoided and the water is used in a way that reflects its value as a resource,” he said.

“The CSG Water Management Policy also provides clear management criteria to help CSG operators understand how to achieve the priorities for CSG water management.

“The aim of the new policy is to encourage industry to use CSG water in a way that protects the environment and maximises its productive use as a valuable resource.

“By giving the CSG industry clear priorities for CSG water management we hope to encourage industry-led compliance.

“Industry has an obligation to protect the environment and the Newman Government will not hesitate to take action against those companies which put the environment at risk.”

To view the policy online click here

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