The Hydraulic Institute (HI) have recently published the “Hydraulic Institute Guideline for Rotodynamic Pump Efficiency Prediction.” This guideline is a tool for users, specifiers, and purchasers of pumps to understand what variables, design, and selection factors affect the efficiency of rotodynamic pumps.
Users of this guideline will understand the application-specific design features that affect pump efficiency and will be able to calculate the normally attainable efficiency and uncertainty band for the following pump types:
- Slurry, end suction
- Solids-handling, end suction
- Submersible sewage, end suction
- Horizontal multistage & axially split diffuser type
- ASME B73 chemical process
- API end suction
- Large, end suction
- Double suction, API and other
- Vertical turbine, mixed and axial flow, single and multistage diffuser type
The efficiencies shown in this guideline are those generally obtained using common manufacturing practices and are based on a survey of pump manufacturers. Only the best efficiency point (BEP) values are addresses in this guideline.
HI Technical Director, Pete Gaydon states that, “This document is essential for pump end users, specifiers, and purchasers.
“It educates the reader on tradeoffs between design and efficiency and allows the pump purchaser to understand what efficiency is generally attainable for their application. In particular specifying engineers can compare quoted efficiencies against the generally attainable efficiency.”
The guideline is available in the HI eStore for $50. HI members receive a 25 per cent discount off the regular price of the guideline. Learn more about this guideline in the HI eStore: