
A severe weather warning has prompted authorities to close the Lower Murray barrages for most of the first week of September, 2024. The closure is intended to mitigate the risk of saltwater intrusion into the Lower Lakes, which could exacerbate with the expected strong north-westerly winds and anticipated cold front.

Barrages will likely remain closed during forecasted high (up to 5m) swells and while strong winds persist to reduce the risk of saltwater entering the lakes and increasing salinity levels.

SA Water operates the network of barrages and Locks One to Nine across South Australia, Victoria, and New South Wales on behalf of the Murray-Darling Basin Authority.

Department for Environment and Water’s (DEW) Program Leader, Coorong Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth, Adrienne Rumbelow, said high winds may result in short-term fluctuations in water levels, particularly in the Coorong, Lake Albert and the River Murray Channel above Wellington.

“It’s severe weather events like this that highlight the importance of the barrage system,” Ms Rumbelow said.

“They were constructed principally to maintain salinity levels in the lower reaches of the River Murray, Lake Alexandrina and Lake Albert and stabilise the river level for upstream irrigation and pumping.

“Maintaining appropriate salinity and water levels in the Lower Lakes is vital to the health of native plants and animals that call the lakes home.

“Once conditions allow, freshwater flows to the Coorong will be reinstated through Tauwitchere, Goolwa and Boundary Creek barrages.”

This event coincides with lower flows in the River Murray, reducing the risk of water levels exceeding the Lower Lakes’ normal operating range.

Images: Janelle/

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