
Pump Industry Australia (PIA) has continued to liaise with industry organisations and government departments to promote cooperation between industries, and improve standards. Ken Kugler, PIA Executive Officer – Standards, has released an update on the work being undertaken and how work has been progressing.

  1. FP-008 Fire Pump Committee:
    1. Committee currently inactive
    2. Although the FPAA indicated some interest in proposing a review of AS2941, no action appears to have occurred
    3. A number of miscellaneous ISO fire protection standards have been issued to FP008 members for review but none of interest to the PIA
  2. ME-030 Pump Committee:
    1. AS ISO ASME14414:2020 Pump system energy assessment was eventually published in April
    2. ISO13709:2009 Centrifugal pumps for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries. Committee members of ME-030 received a request via the ISO division to review and comment on this standard which is now considered aged. Comment submitted on behalf of the PIA included a request to have this standard remain identical to API 610. Ron Astall advised his availability to be on a review committee should the ISO consider updating the standard is required
    3. ME-030 Committee members requested to review DR AS NZS 3500.0 Plumbing and drainage, Part 0: Glossary of terms. Our comments will be submitted mid-August
    4. A number of other ISO standards have been issued for review, comment or ballot. These have included some PD pump standards and noise standards
  3. EL-58 Energy Efficiency for Swimming Pool pumps: 
      1. AS 5102 Performance of household electrical appliances — swimming pool pump units, Part 1: Measurement of energy consumption and performance was published in November 2019
      2. The Committee is currently working on a draft AS 5352 Swimming Pool & Spa Heat Pump Systems. The PIA has resolved to remain on the Committee as an Observing Committee member and will not provide technical input but is expected to review and comment if appropriate
  4. Australian Government. E3 Energy Efficiency Equipment:
    1. Participation in the Technical Working Group providing input into the Discussion Paper for industrial pump MEP’s. However, since March, activity has been zero. A request had been made for direct discussion with a couple of pump suppliers – KSB, Davey and Grundfos were contacted
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