Approval has been granted for Barwon Water’s Water for our Future (2002) 50-year urban water strategy, comprising 25 actions for better water management including the sourcing of new water, and the reuse and return of existing water.
The strategy was informed by the utility’s two-year-long Water for our Future community engagement program, which sourced more than 600 ideas from over 5,000 participating community members.
Barwon Water said the strategy seeks to manage water supplies in the face of a changing climate, while aiming to make the most of the challenges and opportunities presented by regional growth.
“Over the next 50 years, we will gradually transition to more climate-independent sources of supply, which aligns with actions set out in the Victorian Government’s recently announced Central and Gippsland Region Sustainable Water Strategy (SWS),” a Barwon Water spokesperson said.
Key highlights from the strategy include expanding the Melbourne-Geelong Pipeline (MGP) to service more customers and returning water to the Moorabool River.
The Water for our Future (2002) strategy can be read in full at: