Anglogold are have commissioned a new mine dewatering system for their Sunrise Dam Gold Mine, located 220 kilometres north-north-east of Kalgoorlie and 55 kilometres south of Laverton in Western Australia.
The works involve the installation underground of a new pump station in the Hammer Head ore body. There are 6 pumps, consisting of 315 kW motors driving Metso pumps.
Petro Min Engineers are responsible for the design, specification and engineering of the pump station which includes a new 11/1kV skid mounted substation housing the soft starters and PLC system which will interface to the site wide SCADA system. PME are also responsible for the detailed design and specification for the installation works.
Sunrise Dam Gold Mine comprises a large open-pit and an underground project. Mining is carried out by contractors and ore is treated in a conventional gravity and leach process plant.
The August edition of Pump Industry contains a feature on mine dewatering. Click here to read the August edition online.