Pump Industry Australia publishes two handbooks which are specifically designed for the Australian Pump Industry; the Australian Pump Technical Handbook and the Australian Pipe Friction Handbook. These publications are for those who work and are associated with the pump industry such as manufacturers, distributors, educators, designers, operators and users. Both of the books are easy to follow and can be readily understood with a basic knowledge of physics.
Pump Technical Handbook
The Pump Technical Handbook was produced to assist all pump users and those interested in learning about pumping in having technical knowledge of pumps and their operation including the overall pump system in which the pump works.
The Technical handbook covers a wide range of topics beginning with the definitions used when working with pumps. It is then followed by details of the classification of both centrifugal and positive displacement pumps.
Sections of the book comprehensively deal with the characteristics, selection and application of centrifugal pumps as well as sections covering the same for positive displacement and slurry pumps.
The book discusses, in detail, Pipe Systems together with a section on the calculation of system head which should be done in conjunction with the PIA Pipe Friction Handbook.
What are pumps made of? This is covered in the Pump Materials Section which discusses the materials pumps are constructed in and relates these materials to various Australian and International standards.
Intake design is critical to the correct and efficient operation of a pump system, so the Technical Handbook covers this topic.
How are pumps tested, to what tolerances and what date can you expect from a pump test? The Pump Testing Section of the handbook covers this and more.
After covering the working of pumps and pump systems the last section tells the reader about the installation, commissioning and maintenance of pumps.
This brief outline of what is in the Pump Technical Handbook illustrates its comprehensiveness and how useful it is for those in the pump industry and associated with it.
Pump Friction Handbook
The Pipe Friction Handbook is designed to complement the Pump Technical Handbook in assisting pump system designers to calculate the friction in either proposed or existing pump systems.
The main feature of the Friction Handbook is almost 200 Pages of pipe friction tables including tables for viscous liquids and a chart on the friction loss through lay flat hose.
In general the friction tables are based on pipe, tube and hose which conform to an Australian Standard with the exception of ASTM Schedule 40 pipe which is in common use.
The friction tables cover the following commonly used pipes, tube and hose:
- Commercial Steel Pipe
- Large Fabricated Steel Pipe
- Medium & Heavy Duty Galvanised Steel Pipe
- Uncoated & Cement Lined Ductile Iron Pipe
- Copper Tube’
- Brass Tube
- Stainless Steel Tube
- Aluminium Irrigation Tube
- PVC Pipe
- Polyethylene Pipe
- Concrete Pipe
- Elastomeric Rubber Hose
In general for each type of pipe, tube and hose the tables cover all the sizes covered in the appropriate Australian Standard, in some case up to 1800mm N.B.
In addition to the tables the book gives the technical background to the calculation of the tables which will also allow the reader to calculate friction for pipes in materials and sizes not covered by the book.
After the friction tables there is a separate section which provides general information mostly in table form relating to the calculation of losses in a pump system including data to let the reader calculate among other things the friction loss in valves and pipe fittings and shows a sample friction loss calculation. As well data on valve and fitting losses there is data relating to gravity at selected sites, viscosity of liquids, losses through nozzles and many others.
This handbook covers all a reader needs to calculate friction losses in a pump system.
These two complementary books form the ideal tool for anyone working in or associated with the pump industry and provide an excellent learning tool for those embarking on a career in the pump industry.
The Australian Pump Technical and Pipe Friction Handbooks can be purchased from Pump Industry Australia Inc via the PIA website at www.pumps.asn.au