The NSW Department of Primary Industries – Catchments & Lands is currently seeking offers from suitably qualified contractors to supply water treatment systems including all associated works at Lake Burrendong (350kL/day), Mookerawa Waters (250kL/day) and Lake Glenbawn (300kL/day).
This contract is for the design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of three (3) complete Water Treatment Plants (WTP’s), from raw water storage through to treated water storage and entry into the existing distribution system at three separate and unique locations.
In combining all three treatment plants into the one contract the intent is to allow for standardisation of equipment and process, where practical, across the state parks for ease of transfer of staff and efficiency in maintenance, operation and servicing.
The lead contractor shall have previous experience and capability to manage all aspects of the design, fabrication, supply, installation, testing, commissioning and operator training of a water filtration plant, including process design, earthworks, buildings etc., either in-house or using established partnerships with reputable sub-contractors.
The contractor’s work shall include all necessary investigative and design work and the provision of new facilities and equipment, complete with all associated cabling and temporary works, necessary to maintain stable plant operation throughout the delivery of the contract.
Submissions close: 2:00PM Sydney time, Wednesday the 18th of June 2014.
For further information or application details see the tender webpage.