
Due to the impacts of climate change, there is now an increased focus on industries employing strategies that reduce energy consumption.

The Federal Government offers incentives linked to the Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF), including a scheme by the Department of Environment that covers large pumping equipment using the Industrial Equipment Upgrade method, and work on a new standard, AS/NZS3598.2 Energy audits –Industrial and related activities, is currently in progress.

Despite these initiatives, the PIA says there still needs to be an adequate supply of resources to verify that these improvements do result in actual gains.

PIA recognised the need to identify specialists that can effectively supervise the installation of pumping equipment, and then commission the plant to ensure that the operational requirements are satisfactorily achieved. While this expertise did exist in many pump companies, there was no uniformity in approach and these personnel were not easy to identify.

Realising this, PIA developed a pump installation and commissioning training course to outline a consistent set of guidelines. The one-day course was first introduced in 2016 at Link Pumps in Williamstown and includes both a theoretical and practical component.

As a result, around 30 engineers are now accredited by PIA to conduct this work, and are listed on the PIA website.

Recently, the course was held in Sydney where further engineers were added to the list.

The Sydney training program was conducted in the new training centre at Hydro Innovations in Rydalmere. Alan Rowan and Keith Sanders conducted this course, with strong support from Zach Jerla of Hydro Innovations for the practical demonstrations.

The mix of theory and hands-on activities helped participants appreciate the issues that need to be addressed when supervising the installation of pumping equipment, and the procedures for accurate testing of the plant on site. All participants achieved certification by PIA.

Further courses are planned for the rest of 2017, with the next course being held in Melbourne on 24 May 2017. The program is open to both members and non members.

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