
The WA State Government and Water Corporation are building a new $5.3 million water supply main to cater for growth in Byford.

WA Water Minister, Mia Davies, said the new water main would also provide Water Corporate customers in Byford with a more consistent water pressure, particularly during peak summer demand.

“Development in the Byford area has been quite rapid over the past few years, resulting in population growth and an increased demand for water,” said Ms Davies.

“This new water main will cater for growth in Byford and also ensure residents receive more consistent water pressure throughout the year.”

The new four-kilometre pipeline will be constructed within road reserves along South Western Highway and roads within the City of Armadale and Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale.

“The corporation has planned its work to minimise disruption to traffic and the local community,” said Ms Davies.

“This includes the use of trenchless technology to minimise environmental and traffic impacts at major road crossings at Wungong Brook and South Western Highway.

“I thank the community for their patience during the construction of this essential project.”

Work on the water main is expected to be completed by November 2015.

Fact file:

  • The corporation manages about 13,600km of water mains in the Perth metro area.
  • Customers in Byford are supplied with water through the Integrated Water Supply Scheme (IWWS), which sources water from dams, groundwater and desalination.
  • The IWWS delivers water to more than two million people in Perth, the Goldfields and Agricultural region and parts of the South-West.
  • In 2013-14, the corporation supplied almost 300 billion litres of water to customers connected to the IWWS.
  • For more information, visit

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