
The Water Corporation has completed a $2.5 million upgrade to the water supply scheme in Newman, Western Australia, to improve the reliability of supply for the local community.

The upgrade included the replacement of more than 400m of water main along Giles Avenue and Rundall Avenue. The Water Corporation also installed 47 new valves, which will make turning water on and off for maintenance much easier, and with less impact on the community.

Three new magnetic flow meters, which measure the water supplied to Newman, were also fitted to the scheme, and 28 fire hydrants were replaced to support property firefighting capacity.

Minister for Water, Dave Kelly, said the $2.5 million project to upgrade Newman’s water supply scheme improves the reliability of drinking water to more than 2750 properties in the town.

The Water Corporation engaged the services of Western Australian businesses to help deliver the upgrade, which provided employment for up to 30 people.

Newman residents have previously experienced frequent unplanned water supply interruptions caused by pipe breaks and faulty valves. The upgrade will reduce the frequency and duration of supply interruptions.

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