
Ten thousand megalitres of water is now flowing into Lake Toolondo, near Horsham in Victoria, due to a water transfer from Rocklands Reservoir, that will see up to 10GL of water transferred by December 2016.

The transfer reflects the need to consider the shared benefits available from good management of water – including the recreational and economic value of Lake Toolondo.

Victorian Minister for Water Lisa Neville said, “This is about how we can best balance agricultural, industry, urban, recreational and environmental uses – maximising shared benefits wherever possible.”

Following an extended dry period in the region, high levels of spring rainfall across the Grampians Wimmera Mallee catchment has boosted water levels in most storages.

In 2015, storages were at 32 per cent compared with 55 per cent in 2016.

The allocation to water entitlement holders was just one per cent, compared to 57 per cent this year.

If rainfall continues as predicted, allocations to entitlement holders could increase in coming months.

The Rocklands Reservoir reached levels in September 2016 that enabled authorities and water entitlement holders to consider a transfer to Toolondo.

In 2015, the Victorian Government announced a 5,000ML allocation for Toolondo.

The Government’s Target One Million plan also recognises the lake as an iconic trout fishery and committed to taking action on minimum water levels and establishing a local advisory group.

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