Australian Industrial Marketing advises that another Level 1 training course will be held
July in Melbourne. The course will be held in the boardroom of Envirotech Water Solutions at 17,
Kareela Street, Mordialloc, VIC 3195 on the following dates:
Day 1 – Thursday 20 July 2017
Session 1- Pump types and construction commencing at 8.30am, finishing 12.30pm.
Session 2 – Pump systems and pump selection, commencing at 1.00pm finishing 4.30pm.
Day 2 – Thursday 27 July 2017
Session 3 – Pump operation and fluid parameters commencing at 8.30am finishing 12.30pm.
Session 4 – Testing, installation and troubleshooting commencing at 1.00pm finishing 4.30pm.
Assignments will be given out for each session, which will be the basis for assessment at the
end of the course, when completion certificates will be presented to successful candidates.
The course fee will be $400.00 + GST per head. Participants are advised to bring a notepad, pencils and calculator for in-session worked examples.
Tea/coffee breaks and a light lunch will be provided on both days for participants.