Manton Dam

The Power and Water Corporation has released a tender for the design and construction of the Manton Dam Return to Service project, which will include a new pump station, refurbished intake tower, new pipeline, and water treatment plant.

The program will ensure that the water meets stringent drinking water quality standards, while Manton Dam remains open for recreational use.

Once operational, Manton Dam will provide an additional 7,300ML of water into the Darwin region water supply system, to meet the forecast demand and provide urban water security to support future economic development in the region.

Northern Territory Minister for Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics, Eva Lawler, said, “It is vital we secure sustainable solutions that protect our environment and maintain our great Territory lifestyle.

“This contract going out to tender is the next step in securing the Territory’s water supply for the next 50 years, it is also a major step towards reaching our goal of a $40 billion economy by 2030.”

The Manton Dam Return to Service project is Stage 1 of the Darwin Region Water Supply Infrastructure Program, jointly funded by the Federal and Northern Territory Governments through the National Water Grid Fund in partnership with the Power and Water Corporation.

Returning Manton Dam to service will secure urban water supply to meet expected demand, which is expected to double by 2050.

Award of the contract for design and construction is expected to be announced in the third quarter of 2023 with the completion of the project expected in 2026.

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