
Eurobodalla Council in NSW has awarded the construction contract for the first stage of the new Potato Point Sewerage Scheme, which will service the community of Potato Point.

Fewster Brothers Contracting has been awarded the contract to construct the new sewage pump station on Potato Point Road, next to the Potato Point RFS shed, and a 6.7km underground sewer pipeline from the new pump station to the Bodalla Sewage Treatment Plant.

The project, once complete, will connect all properties in the village to town sewer services, replacing existing septic tanks and significantly reducing the risk of environmental harm.

A new water main will also be provided to ensure greater reliability for the village’s water supply.

The second stage of the project is expected to begin in early 2021, and will involve constructing underground pipelines to connect each household to the new sewage pump station.

Expected to be operational by late 2021, the Potato Point Sewerage Scheme is made possible thanks to a $3.22 million grant through the New South Wales Government’s Restart NSW program.

The Potato Point Sewerage Scheme was identified in council’s long-term water and sewer strategic plan, the Integrated Water Cycle Management Strategy.

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