
Maranoa Regional Council, located in South West Queensland, is currently seeking offers from suitably qualified contractors for the sludge drying beds for the Roma sewerage treatment plant.

This contract shall include everything required to complete the works including, but not limited to, supply of materials, freight, plant hire and workers’ transport and accommodation.  The contractor shall pay all associated costs such as the portable long service levy, insurances, etc.

The work proposed to be carried out under this contract includes but is not limited to:

  1. Earthworks and construction of six concrete sludge drying beds
  2. Construction of gravity sludge line to drying beds.
  3. Construction of gravity pipes to collection pump station
  4. Construction of collection pump station and PE rising main to plant inlet

Submissions close: 2:00PM Brisbane time, Thursday the 29th of April, 2014.

For further information or application details see the tender webpage.

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