Coliban Water is undertaking a $2million upgrade to the sewer network in Echuca, which includes the construction of 2km of rising sewer main and two sewer pump stations.
Interflow were selected as the contractors for the project.
Coliban Water’s Infrastructure Delivery Manager, Corey Bourne, said the new infrastructure is needed to increase the capacity, reliability and efficiency of the sewer network.
“There are a number of new housing and commercial developments to the west of the Murray Valley Highway and more are planned. This project will accommodate for these developments and future growth.
“We are constructing a new pipeline from Ogilvie Avenue along the Murray Valley Highway to the sewer pump station on Mount Terrick Road, and an additional pipeline from Anstruther Street to the Mount Terrick Road pump station.”
Mr Bourne said the project also involves works at two key sewer pump stations.
“A bypass sewer main will be constructed at the Mount Terrick Road pump station. These works will enable a future project to address ongoing odour issues at this site to take place. This project is currently under investigation,” Mr Bourne said.
“The Northern Highway Sewer Pump Station will be upgraded with new pumps, pipework, and improved remote monitoring and control systems.”
Construction work on the sewer project commences in March 2016 and is expected to be completed in June 2016.