Logan City Council has launched a $5 million project to help reduce the risk of wastewater (sewerage) overflows in Tanah Merah and Loganholme during wet weather events.
The project, which is being undertaken by Council’s Logan Water Alliance, will involve the installation of 1.6km of new wastewater pipelines, construction of two new emergency wastewater storage facilities, and the upgrade of an existing wastewater pump station.
Roads and Water Infrastructure Committee Chairperson, Councillor Don Petersen (Division 4), said the project would no doubt come as welcome news to local residents affected when the wastewater network becomes inundated with stormwater.
“The delivery of this project is necessary to ensure the risk of potential wastewater spills during wet weather events are managed appropriately,” he said.
“Recent years of heavy rainfall have highlighted those areas of our city where the wastewater network is no longer appropriately managing flows in wet conditions.
“Tanah Merah and Loganholme are two suburbs in particular that stand out as needing improvements.
“Wet weather overflows, while infrequent, are highly undesirable and Council is committed to addressing this issue ahead of next year’s wet weather season.”
The works, which will be delivered by Council’s award-winning infrastructure delivery team, Logan Water Alliance, will be undertaken in stages with all new infrastructure constructed in Council-owned land by late 2013.
Key areas of construction will occur include Tansey Drive in Tanah Merah, and between Danyenah Street and Holder Street (including Clarks Road) in Loganholme.
Division 6 Councillor, Luke Smith, said that nearby residents should expect some disruption while work is underway.
“Given the nature of this project, which involves major earthworks and excavation in some locations, localised impacts such as increased noise, dust, vibration and odour can be expected from time-to-time,” he said.
“However every effort will be made to reduce nuisance to residents and in the meantime, we ask residents to bear with us while work is underway.
“Additionally, in residential areas where new infrastructure is being constructed, sections of the existing operational wastewater network may need to be diverted at times.
“This will involve the use of pumps and generators to divert wastewater flows to other areas of the network. Some equipment may need to operate 24-hours per day when wastewater diversions are in place.
“We acknowledge there may be some inconvenience but the short term pain will result in the residents of Tanah Merah and Loganholme benefitting from a more reliable wastewater service.”
The project is in addition to more than $70 million already being spent by Council on wastewater improvements in the city’s northern suburbs.
Other current improvement projects include a major upgrade at the Loganholme Wastewater Treatment Plant and wastewater network improvements between Slacks Creek and Loganholme.
Logan Water Alliance (LWA) is a public private sector enterprise comprising Logan City Council and engineering service providers Tenix, Parsons Brinckerhoff and Cardno.
The Alliance was established in August 2009 and is responsible for planning, designing, constructing and commissioning new and improved water and wastewater infrastructure across the city.