A new water strategy to combat the Greater Hunter region’s water shortages recommends the construction of key water infrastructure, including new water pipelines.
Minister for Regional Water, Niall Blair, said the Greater Hunter Regional Water Strategy, a blueprint for the region’s future water needs, outlines key infrastructure projects and policies that will help secure water for the entire region, particularly during extended droughts.
The two business cases will investigate a two-way pipeline between Lostock Dam and Glennies Creek Dam, and a potable water pipeline from Hunter Water Corporation’s network to Singleton.
“The Greater Hunter region is home to around 1.1 million people, and covers a large and geographically diverse area from the Manning Valley to the Central Coast,” he said.
“This can create serious water supply challenges when one part of the region is impacted by drought, while in others parts of the region water is plentiful.
“The government is taking the first steps to ensure future water security by investing $4.3 million in the development of business cases for two major infrastructure projects.”
Mr Blair said both of these projects could be used to transfer water between critical locations in times of drought.
“This strategy is about planning for the next 20–30 years so we can secure the Hunter’s economic future and support the growth of industries,” he said.
“As well as considering critical infrastructure, we will also explore new options in improving water reuse schemes for industry and environmental outcomes for our rivers and groundwater.”
Member for Upper Hunter, Michael Johnson, said this strategy is key to catering for a growing population.
“The Greater Hunter region contributes around $50 billion annually to the NSW economy from industries such as electricity generation, mining and agriculture.
“Water is our most precious resource, and how we manage it is key to our region’s ongoing success.”