Works are underway on a significant project to improve a southern Townsville suburb’s sewerage system. The Wulguru Pump Station project contract was awarded to Townsville- based company Civil Plus Constructions to carry out the $7 million project to construct a new sewerage pump station, with the works addressing the suburb’s sewer service capacity issues.
Townsville Water and Waste Committee chairperson, Russ Cook, said the upgrades were not glamorous but were necessary. “The sewer system was unable to cope with the increased capacity for the Wulguru community, particularly in the southern and western parts of the area,” Cr Cook said.
“The Wulguru Sewer Upgrade Project has been split into two components; and contractor Newlands Civil Construction was awarded component one to construct a gravity sewer and rising main. “Construction of the sewerage pump station is set to be finished in early 2023 and is the final bit of infrastructure needed to ensure the sewerage system can meet the current and future demands of the Wulguru community.
“The overarching project started in 2019, following careful budgeting by Council to achieve the best outcome for Wulguru.” The Wulguru Pump Station is the final step needed to finalise the Wulguru Sewer Upgrade project, which will ensure the wastewater system in the area will continue to cater for continued population growth.
Catering for population growth
Cr Cook said this significant investment into the city’s southern suburbs demonstrated Council’s commitment to securing water and wastewater capabilities for locals for years to come.
“By the time stage three of this project is complete, close to $54 million will have been invested, enhancing our wastewater network in our southern suburbs,” Cr Cook said. “This is an impressive investment and demonstrates Council’s commitment to ensuring our wastewater network can continue to meet the needs of the community.
“Townsville is looking at a population surge during the next 50 years, which is why we’re putting critical infrastructure in place now to plan for our future.” Cr Cook said Council had a strong focus on water supply as the city’s population continued to grow.
“Townsville is one of the most arid regions in Australia, which is why water supply and management continue to be one of the biggest areas of strategic investment,” Mr Cook said. “Townsville’s population is growing rapidly, and we are attracting significant interest from industry to build and operate out of our region.
“Water supply is critical for supporting both of those things which is why we are investing to ensure we have the best infrastructure in place to keep pace with the increased demand.”
Council employing locals
Townsville Mayor, Jenny Hill, said more than 220 jobs had been generated during the three stages of the project. “Projects like this are essential for generating local jobs in Townsville. Stage one of this project supported 100 jobs, as did stage two, while stage three has provided employment opportunities for between 20 to 30 workers,” she said.
“Procurement is an effective way for Council to support Townsville-based businesses. “We have also launched a tendering system called VendorPanel which gives businesses a platform to submit tenders and quotes for upcoming projects, respond to queries and provide updates to registered suppliers.
“As a signee of the Small Business Friendly Council charter, Council is committed to continuing its support of local businesses, with a goal of reaching 90 per cent procurement spend with local businesses in the next five years.”
Infrastructure investment
Cr Hill said stage three of the Southern Suburbs Rising Main project included a $20 million investment from Council. “Stages one and two of the project have included more than 13km of pipeline laid to cater for anticipated population growth in Townsville over the next 30 years,” Cr Hill said.
“During stages one and two, Council constructed the pipeline from the Yolanda Drive pump station in Annandale to the Cleveland Bay Purification Plant. “This project supports the area’s anticipated population growth and supports Townsville University Hospital, Lavarack Barracks and James Cook University.
“Townsville is one of Australia’s fastest-growing cities and investing in infrastructure like this is vital to meeting the needs of a growing community.” Cr Hill said Council exercised strong financial management throughout the year with a focus on capital works like roads, footpaths, water infrastructure and wastewater assets.
“As a council, we’re looking beyond the next 12 months and are laying down the foundations for our city to take advantage of emerging energy industries, future-proofing our community’s employment opportunities,” she said. “As part of this, we set aside more than $18 million in the 2021/22 budget to develop the city’s hydrogen strategy, reduce waste going to landfill, and build resilience through our natural environment.
“In its 2021-2026 Corporate Plan, Council committed to bolstering Townsville as a sustainable destination that embraces and participates in recreational activities, which is why it’s essential that we do our part to protect our land and the 180km of coastline that connects Townsville to the Great Barrier Reef.”
During this financial year Council will invest a record $214.9 million intocritical water infrastructure projects across the city as part of its strategic focus on water security for the city’s growing population. The investment includes projects like the pipeline duplication project between Ross River Dam and the Douglas Water Treatment Plan, Haughton Pipeline Project Stage 2 and upgrading of theunderground water network across the city.
For more information on the Southern Suburbs Rising Main and Wulguru Sewer Upgrade projects, visit the Southern Suburbs Rising Main Project page on Council’s website,