
TasWater have launched a new sewage treatment plant in the town of Rosebery on Tasmania’s west coast.

Until now, sewage from Rosebery underwent rudimentary treatment at a small processing plant with the waste water discharge contained in tailing dams managed by mining company MMG.

TasWater’s Acting CEO, Glen Jameson, says “Wwith the completion of TasWater’s $9 million facility, all of Rosebery’s sewage will be fully treated, significantly improving the impact on the environment.”.

“The new plant brings to the west coast the latest in sewage treatment technology with local TasWater staff being trained in the operation and management of the new facility.”

During the commissioning period, two staff will be based at the plant but as the treatment system settles in, the plant can be run as a one person operation. Full monitoring of the process and performance will be managed from TasWater’s new 24 hour Network Operations Centre in Devonport.

“The plant also has its own auxiliary generator, guaranteeing safe operation should Rosebery be isolated from the electricity grid due the weather or an event like a bushfire.”.

The sewerage network in Rosebery has also undergone improvement with more than 2km of new pipelines being laid and pump stations upgraded with a new one installed at Park Road Sewer pipelines have also been checked with CCTV cameras to locate cracks and breaks in the pipes as well as work to clearly identify and repair manholes.

TasWater’s investment in Rosebery however doesn’t stop at sewerage treatment with work about to start on the town’s new $3.3 million water treatment plant. Tenders have been let, and clearing is about to start on the site of the new facility at the end of Karlson Street.

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