
Australian Industrial Marketing will hold introductory and advanced training courses in Sydney in July and August.

The Level 1 Training Course will be held on July 30 and August 1 and the Advanced Course on 31 July, 2013.

The Level 1 program is as follows:

Day 1- Tues 30 July 2013

Session 1- Pump types & construction commencing at 8.30am finishing 12.30 pm.

Session 2 – Pump systems & pump selection, commencing at 1.00 pm finishing 4.30 pm.

Day 2- Thurs 1 August 2013

Session 3 – Pump operation & fluid parameters, commencing at 8.30am finishing 12.30 pm.

Session 4 – Testing, installation & troubleshooting, commencing at 1.00 pm finishing 4.30pm.

Assignments will be given out for each session, which will be the basis for assessment at the end of the course, when completion certificates will be presented to successful candidates. The course fee will be $495 + GST per head and includes the supply of the PIA Technical & Friction handbooks for each participant and our course notes. Participants should bring, notepad, pencils and calculator for in session worked examples.

The advanced course is $250 +GST and agenda is as follows;

Start Finish Topic
08:15 08:30 Registration
08:30 10:00 Pump Design
10:00 10.15 Morning Break
10:15 11:00 Production & QA programs
11:00 12:15 Pump Testing to AS 2417-2011
12:15 1:00 Lunch Break
1:00 1.30 Energy Efficient Pumping  – Overview
1.30 2.00 Optimisation of pump-system interaction
2.00 2.30 LCC analysis for pumping systems
2.30 2.45 Afternoon break
2.45 3.15 Control methods for varying pump output
3.15 4.00 Strategies for sub-optimal performance
4.00 4.30 Worked examples and discussion

The courses will be held at:- The Boardroom – Engineers Australia – Sydney Division,  Level 3, 8 Thomas Street, Chatswood NSW 2067.

For more information, contact Keith Sanders on 0421-323-123 or at

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